The rush to coin fairs such as the “World Money Fair” and the massive interest in gold bullion coins creates the impression that gold has increasingly developed from an insider investment to a mainstream investment product. In fact, gold is still a fair way off from that. Although in opinion polls, the agreement for gold as an investment product has been constantly growing for years, to date “only” every eighth totenth German actually possesses gold for investment...
In Germany, the trade with precious metals is booming, gold has long been on the rise. In surveys on investment behavior, however, the yellow metal plays a minor role to date. In surveys on the most popular investment forms in Germany, Gold ends up always on the last ranks. Yet, the result of a recent survey of online bank “comdirect” surprises. For in the survey Gold does not appears in the top ten. Far ahead are instead the zero interest investment products giro account (57%)...
In Deutschland boomt der Handel mit Edelmetallen, Gold ist seit Jahren auf dem Vormarsch. Bei Umfragen zum Investment-Verhalten spielt das gelbe Metall jedoch bis heute eine eher untergeordnete Rolle. Bei Umfragen zu den beliebtesten Geldanlage-Formen in Deutschland landet Gold stets auf den hinteren Plätzen. Das Ergebnis einer aktuellen Umfrage des Online-Bankers “comdirect” erstaunt aber trotzdem. Denn in der Befragung taucht Gold überhaupt nicht in den Top Ten auf. Weit vorn...