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Fact Check: Is gold an exotic investment?

Fact Check: Is gold an exotic investment?

The rush to coin fairs such as the “World Money Fair” and the massive interest in gold bullion coins creates the impression that gold has increasingly developed from an insider investment to a mainstream investment product.

In fact, gold is still a fair way off from that. Although in opinion polls, the agreement for gold as an investment product has been constantly growing for years, to date “only” every eighth totenth German actually possesses gold for investment purposes. A Steinbeis study in 2013 calculated that every German in terms of figures has exactly 62 grams of gold in the form of coins and bars, as well as 55 grams of gold as jewelry.

Apparently gold is not too popular especially with low-income people because of its comparatively high gram price, but also for this target group inexpensive and sensible investment products of gold are available. And in all surveys that were conducted in recent years, one opinion clearly prevailed: The overwhelming majority of precious metal investors is satisfied with their gold investment and have no plans to change their investment strategy.