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Papal coat of arms instead of Francis: Vatican City waived Pope’s portrait on euro coins

Papal coat of arms instead of Francis: Vatican City waived Pope’s portrait on euro coins

Pope Francis is known as a modest man. The head of the Catholic Church maintains a low-key style – this is also made clear on the new Vatican euro coins. Because from the year 2017 on, instead of the pontifex his coat of arms will be depicted, as was indicated from a report of the platform “The Local”.

For the first time since the official papal transition issues no pope appears on the Vatican euro coins. Francis is considered a representative of the poor and abstains from personal wealth.

The small Vatican state has now for the fifth time changed the design of its euro coins since the introduction of the euro fifteen years ago. The tiny country may mint a small amount of coins each year. For the first time no pope was shown at the Vatican Euros in 2005 ; following the death of Pope Johannes Paul II. a “Sede Vacante” -special edition was issued. After that Pope Benedict XVI. and until 2016 Pope Francis were depicted.