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Parliamentary election in the Netherlands strengthens gold

Parliamentary election in the Netherlands strengthens gold

The Netherlands do not swing to the right – this is the official version of the election results of the election. Reigning Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has surprisingly clearly prevailed over his right-wing opponent Geert Wilders. Stock markets celebrate, gold does not come out unscathed – rightly so?

The precious metal dealer “Emporium” interprets the election results in its “Market & Trends” newsletter and warns against too much euphoria: A withdrawal of the Netherlands from the European Union was nevera realistic perspective during this election. Because Geert Wilders was not available as coalition partner at any time for the other parties. He had to rely solely on his own potential voters – and brought in a remarkable result with just under 20 percent. It’s alarming that apparently one in five Dutch shares the radical positions of the eccentric politician.

Europe got away with a black eye in this election. However, the next test is lying ahead: In France, the presidential elections are approaching and the “National Front” with candidate Marine Le Pen has realistic chances to become the strongest force. The country is threatened by international terrorism and the growing skepticism about multiculturalism in the country. immigration has come under fire after the attacks of Paris and Nice in broad levels of the population.